Some brief thoughts on the political parties

by Nathaniel Smith, Politics: A View from West Chester, 9/19/15

Some Republicans are loyal to their party because their ancestors fought for the Union, others because their ancestors fought for the Confederacy.

Democrats: the coalition of groups that vote every 4 years.

The Republican big tent: rich people who want to make themselves even richer and non-rich people who plan to get rich by winning the lottery.

Democrats believe so much in helping the disadvantaged that they want the rich to have the honor of paying for it.

Both parties are against gerrymandering that’s done by someone else.

Candidates of both parties snap toothlessly at the Wall Street hand that feeds them.

Independents are so opposed to the political system that they perpetuate it by dropping out of it.

Politicians would rather stick with people who do vote than make voting easier for people who don’t.

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Filed under Democratic party, Nathaniel Smith, National govt & politics, Republican party

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