Monthly Archives: March 2013

5 Fracking Consequences You’ve Never Heard About

By Lisa Garber, NaturalSociety, at Reader Supported News, 03 March

We know fracking isn’t exactly the safest of practices. We’ve heard of its propensity to pollute our air and drinking water and thereby raise human health concerns. The media, however, isn’t talking about the massive sinkholes pockmarking the nation, the radiation leaks, and other lesser known but no less earth-shattering effects of fracking.

Here are 5 other consequences of fracking you may not have heard of until now.

1. Methane-Spewing Geysers

Fracking is the act of pumping water and chemicals underground in order to facilitate the flow of oil or gas.

It’s not terribly hard for a giant corporation like Shell or Chesapeake Energy Corporation to start fracking wherever the company pleases (check out the next factoid for more on that). Regulators don’t even require drilling companies to search the area for abandoned wells. This is why unplugged, forgotten wells – like Butters well in Pennsylvania’s Tioga County, drilled in 1932 – literally burst with gas when drilling displaces underground pockets of methane. As it turns out, Shell knew about Butters well – just not if it was plugged.

Abandoned wells aren’t the only ways disrupted gas escapes. Cracks in the ground can also emit this highly flammable gas.

2. Your Land is my Land

One Chesapeake employee was recorded saying, “If properties don’t want to sign, if we have 90 percent secured of the well that we need, we have the power to put these people in the lease without their permission. … We can do whatever we want.”…

continue reading at at Reader Supported News

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Is Scalia a Troll?

By William Boardman, Reader Supported News, 03 March 13

Why does Justice Scalia hate the Constitution? And is he a troll?


[Ratified February 3, 1870]

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Congress’s 2006 renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act was the subject of 76 minutes of oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court in February, although Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, 77, gave the impression that he thought the legislation was really called the Voting Entitlement Act.

Early in the hearing on a frequently non-compliant Alabama county’s appeal of the Voting Rights Act, Scalia tried leading Alabama’s counsel into agreeing to a specious conclusion by citing the 1965 Senate vote of 79-18 to pass the act, compared to the Senate’s 2006 unanimous 98-0 vote to renew the act.

“It must have been even clearer in 2006 that these States were violating the Constitution,” Scalia said. “Don’t you think that’s true?”

“No,” said the Alabama counsel, “I think the court has to …–”

Associate Justice Elena Kagan, 53, interrupted, tongue in cheek: “Well that sounds like a good argument to me, Justice Scalia. It was clear to 98 Senators, including every Senator from a covered state, who decided that there was a continuing need for this piece of legislation.”

“Or decided that perhaps they’d better not vote against it,” Scalia answered, “that there’s nothing, that there’s no –… none of their interests in voting against it.”

Justices Avoid Discussing Psychic Powers

“I don’t know what they’re thinking,” said Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, 75, as he changed the subject from Scalia’s speculation based, apparently, on retrospective, paranoid mindreading of those voting Senators in 2006.

But Scalia was back a few minutes later, this time trying to lead the government’s counsel, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli: “You could always say, oh, there has been improvement, but the only reason there has been improvement are these extraordinary procedures [the Voting Rights Act] that deny the States sovereign powers which the Constitution preserves to them. So, since the only reason it’s [voting non-discrimination] improved is because of these procedures, we must continue those procedures in perpetuity.”

Verrilli: “No.”

Scalia: “Is that the argument you are making?”

Verrilli: “That is not the argument. We do not think that —-”

Scalia: “I thought that was the argument you were just making.”

Verrilli: “It is not….”

Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., 58, jumped in here to state that Massachusetts “has the worst ratio of white voter turnout to African American voter turnout,” but that the best ratio is in Mississippi. It wasn’t clear what point he was making.

Massachusetts Rebuts Roberts’s Slur

Roberts’s assertion was apparently false, according to Massachusetts secretary of state William Galvin, who commented on WBUR radio on March 1:

“I’m disturbed, first of all, that he is distorting information. You would expect better conduct from the chief justice of the United States. I’m a lawyer, he’s a lawyer, lawyers are not supposed to provide disinformation in the course of a case. It’s supposed to be based on truth….

keep reading and follow links at Reader Supported News

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Why Is the Media Ignoring the Mass Sinkholes Popping Up Around the Country?

by Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society, December 3rd, 2012

Have you heard of the massive sinkholes popping up around the nation? Flammable craters spanning acres wide and leaking radiation, monster sinkholes described as ‘apocalyptic’ have forced residents out of homes, expelled radiation into the environment, and are now ushering in concerns about serious Earth changes in the near future. If you’ve heard of these sinkholes, chances are it has been from the alternative media.

It’s a hot issue on forums, some social networking sectors, and certain alternative talk radio programs. Sure, it has come up in some mainstream reports here and there, but there are virtually no in-depth pieces tying everything together. And they often fail to mention the scale of these sinkholes, behemoth anomalies that can swallow up 100 foot trees, houses, with the latest Ohio sinkhole devouring 4 football fields of land. Events that are sending residents scrambling.

continue reading and see links and a video of the Ohio sinkhole at Natural Society

still from video:

Ohio fracking sinkhole

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